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fade for造句

"fade for"是什么意思  
  • Hopes are fading for the survival of the missing climbers
  • The flowers faded for lack of water
  • Textiles - test for colour fastness - test control specimen and standard of fading for nitrogen oxides and burnt gas fumes
  • Carlos ghosn ' s renault sa and nissan motor co . may resume talks with ford motor co . as prospects fade for an equity alliance linking renault and nissan with general motors corp . , two people with direct knowledge of the discussions said
  • This dissertation is going to narrate another kind of will found in educational / societal space in chinese history . it can be named as " the will to sage " or " the will to teach " , which had been fading for hundreds of years , but was waking up and becoming stronger and stronger in the 11th century
    在很长一段时期里,它几乎陷于沉寂,但突然又在中国十一世纪的教化/社会空间中苏醒、壮大,可以称之为“成圣意志” ( thewilltosage )或“教化欲望” ( thedesiretoteach ) 。
  • It's difficult to see fade for in a sentence. 用fade for造句挺难的
如何用fade for造句,用fade for造句fade for in a sentence, 用fade for造句和fade for的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。